Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Is persecution a blessing?

I am sure that you will love this alternative translation I found in a book. I am giving the basis for the translation from Strong’s Concordance. I like it.

Matthew 5:10 reads as follows:-

Blessed <G3107> are <G9999> they which are persecuted <G1377> for <G1752> righteousness' <G1343> sake <G1752>: for <G3754> theirs <G0846> is <G2076> the <G3588> kingdom <G0932> of heaven <G3772>.

The word persecute translates the Greek word dioko which means to chase or pursue and so could imply persecution. See the extract from Strong’s dictionary below:-

G 1377 dioko -- pronounced: dee-o'-ko
a prolonged (and causative) form of a primary verb dio (to flee; compare the base of 1169 and 1249); to pursue (literally or figuratively); by implication, to persecute: KJV -- ensue, follow (after), given to, (suffer) persecute(-ion), press forward.

But of we translate as chase or pursue we get this interesting alternative.

Blessed are those who pursue righteousness for theirs Is the kingdom of heaven.

In fact if we translate righteousness by the alternative justification (see extract from Strong’s below) we get blessed are they who pursue justification or salvation.

Then how do we explain verse 11? He suggests that the third person is used throughout the beatitudes but in verse 11 it is the second person used indicating that this is a later addition, either by Matthew or someone else. The Beattitudes logically and strucuturally ends with verse 10.

An interesting theory which makes a lot of sense.

Monday, November 4, 2013

The multitudes that followed Jesus - what does it mean?

I got the following from Understanding the Difficult words of Jesus by David Bivin and Roy Blizzard.

Robert L Lindsey writes that when he tried to translate the Gospel of Mark from Greek to Hebrew he found that the syntax of the Greek and the word relationships were as would be found in Hebrew, which could indicate that it was originally translated from Hebrew. (Could it be just a Hebrew writing in Greek - my comment).

Multitudes translates the Greek word "ochloi". Lindsey mentioned in class when teaching on day that 'ochloi' is an odd word since multitude did not fit most of the contexts. An Israeli girl in the class said that the Rabbi's used the word 'ochlosim' to mean the people living in a locality.

So when reading the gospels if you change the work multitude into the 'the people living in the locality' it may make more sense.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Ephesians 4:11-12 What is my gift and what is my call?

Ephesians 4:11-12
And He Himself gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers, for the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ.”

In 2009 I retired from Haggai Institute. It had been my life for 20 years. My time there had been fruitful and blessed. The organization had dealt with me extremely well, practically pampering me. Dr. John Haggai had been an exemplary boss to work with and Haggai Institute and exemplary organization to work in. I had the sense of satisfaction that God had used me and my life had been worthwhile.

Many asked me if would not miss working for the organization that had been my life for 20 years and had made me what I am not only spiritually but in my knowledge, personality and overall growth as an individual. Oddly I did not, and that made me concerned, but not unduly.

After a year of my retired life I found that this ‘retired’ phase was now the happiest part of my life, and that made me wonder whether I was just lazy and undisciplined and so enjoying the freedom or was it something deeper. I slowly began to realize that I was happier because I was now doing what I enjoyed which was teaching and that too Bible teaching. I was involved in weekly theological classes, fortnightly bible studies, Sunday school, one-to-one counselling and mentoring, things I could never do while in Haggai Institute.
Was my time spent in Haggai Institute wrong? No! Emphatically No! For one I could not teach with the authority that I do now if it was not for my experience in Haggai Institute. My calling was Haggai Institute but my gifting was teaching. Though I had taught the distinction between calling and gifting for some time before retiring from Haggai Institute, the difference hit me with a bang now.

We use our gifting wherever we have an opportunity, just as I taught whenever I could in Haggai Institute and used my teaching gifts in vision creation in volunteers and donors. But my calling was to serve Haggai Institute in whatever responsibilities they gave me.

Our call is to serve the community among whom we are placed. The local church, the organization we work with, the community we live in. This is quite distinct from the gifting I may have.
In Acts 6 Stephen had the gift of signs and wonders and of teaching but served the church in looking after the orphans and the widows. He continued to use his gifts as opportunities arose, and probably did many signs and wonders among the orphans and widows.

In Ephesians 4:11-12, verse 11 is the gifting and the position given to me and verse 12 is the call given to me. This is the same concept Jesus makes in Matthew 20:25-28 where he says leadership is a position and gifting given to me to do the calling of a servant to the people.

In Ephesians 4:11-12 the gifting is related to the call, but often, especially the natural gifts I have (which are as important as the spiritual gifts) may not all be used in all the areas of calling I have.

Today I serve the church we worship in, especially the young people and also others in the church. In a way I am extremely busy so that my use of the term ‘retired’ is seen as a joke in my community. I serve the believers in my city with whatever responsibilities they give me. Since they mostly ask me to teach, I had entered the happiest phase of my life, but if I have to live my life again, I would spend my 20 years with Haggai Institute again.

Prayer: Lord, help me to be focused on ‘ministering to others’ and not so much on using MY gifts. I believe that through this your power and strength would be glorified through me and people will be blessed. I am at the most effective when I am where you place me and not where I can use my GIFTS to the maximum, like Joseph was the most effective as a slave and prisoner getting ready to be a governor. Amen 

Monday, September 2, 2013

Edify means to build a person or the church?

Paul in Romans 15:2 and I Corinthians 14:3, II Corinthians 10:8 and 13:10 uses the word edification. The root for this word is oikodome which is the house or building and means building the house. Oikodomos is the steward who looks after the house. Oikos is the house. Oikos is used in I Peter 2:5 for the spiritual house we are being built into and in I Peter 4:17 for the house of God.

So when Paul uses the term edify or oikodome in Romans 14:19, I Corinthians 10:23 and I Thessalonians 5:11 is he speaking of the individual being built up or the church being built up or both? I think oikodome one another means to build each other into the church, and just not a spiritual message building the individual in his faith.

This is what is contrasted in I Corinthians 14:3-4, “For he that speaks in an unknown tongue speaks not unto men, but unto God: for no man understands him; howbeit in the spirit he speaks mysteries.  But he that prophesies speaks unto men to edification (oikodome), and exhortation, and comfort.  He that speaks in an unknown tongue edifies himself; but he that prophesies edifies the church.”

The person who prophesies is building the church but he who speaks in tongues is building himself (in a negative sense i.e. is proud).

Unfortunately the meaning of the word edify has changed from building a building to building a person so that we miss the impact of what Paul wrote.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

where was the Garden of Eden?

The location of the Garden of Eden from the rivers named in Gen 2:11-14 is in Babylon, or present day Iraq. However with the fall it seems to have disappeared from there. However, Gen 3:24 seems to indicate thst it is still there, but this needs to be understood symbolically.

In other words when Adam and Eve was sent out physically from the Garden, it was more by the  Garden being taken away than them being sent out. Any ideas?

It is said that the Tabernacle was a representation of the Garden of Eden, with its east facing entrance replicating the east facing gate of the Garden of Eden. This later replicated in the temple.

Monday, July 8, 2013

Generous Living

When asked to speak on this the question came to my mind, “Why isn’t generosity one of rht fruit of the Spirit listed in Galatians 5:22?” Actually the same question was asked to me regarding forgiveness. Both forgiveness and generosity is the centre of the gospel – Matthew 6:15 and Matthew 25:31-46.  The response I gave was that the list in Galatians 5:22 is illustrative and not exhaustive.
Generosity is an essential part of love, even though I Corinthians 13 does not mention it! More than that, it is an essential part of the gospel, since all the judgement in Matthew 25:31-46 is based on the generosity of the person. You cannot be a Christian and not be generous.
I want to look at this topic from the perspective of three aspects of the gospel.
In the Nazarene manifesto, Jesus says,
The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor; he hath sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised, To preach the acceptable year of the Lord.
The tendency is to spiritualise this, and see the poor as the poor in spirit, and the captives as captives of sin. But this cannot be done in all fairness.  While the spiritualised meanings may be true, the physical meanings are also true. Hence we see Jesus’ response to the disciples of John the Baptist in Matthew 11:4-6 as follows,
“Jesus answered and said unto them, Go and show John again those things which ye do hear and see: The blind receive their sight, and the lame walk, the lepers are cleansed, and the deaf hear, the dead are raised up, and the poor have the gospel preached to them. And blessed is he, whosoever shall not be offended in me.”
Here all the people received physical healing, except for the poor who had the gospel preached to them. Obviously in the context, the gospel here was a physical solution to the needs of the poor. How does this happen? I believe it happens by the transformation of the hearts of the rich so that they are willing to share their wealth with the poor in the kingdom. Thus, in the kingdom of God the poor experience not only physical deliverance from poverty, but also from injustice, rejection and dehumanisation. This is the essence of the gospel.
In John 17:18 and 20:21 it says,
“As thou hast sent me into the world, even so have I also sent them into the world.”
“Then said Jesus to them again, Peace be unto you: as my Father hath sent me, even so send I you.”
Whenever anything is repeated it increases its importance and emphasis. So, Jesus is here emphasising the fact that we have been sent like Jesus. The fact that this applies to us now is seen from John 17;20,
“Neither pray I for these alone, but for them also which shall believe on me through their word;”
It is important to recognise the fact that each of us have been sent like Jesus and are representatives of Jesus here.
Matthew 11:28 is a popular verse which we use to call people to Jesus. So when we meet people in need we tend to tell them to go to Jesus. But if we have been sent like Jesus, we need to modify it as follows,
“Come unto me, all you who labour and are heavy laden, and the Christ who dwells in me will give you rest.”
That would make a radical difference in our life as we find that we have to share the time, money and whatever resources God has given into our care. God expects us to be generous because we are believers, and because we have been sent like Him. This is the love which fulfils the law in our lives.
How does this work in practice? To the best of our ability we try and see that lowly workers are well paid. We pay them more than our neighbours do, since we have a concern for their poverty. In time of crisis we make ourself available to them, to help and find solutions, which are out of reach to them. While we do not promote dependency, we do provide assistance in emergencies.
A question we all have to ask ourselves, and many mission leaders also need to ask themselves, “Can we pay less than the minimum wage prescribed by the government, and call ourselves Christian?”
If we try and identify the essence of the gospel from the four gospel rather than the epistles of Paul, we get a very different picture from what is preached nowadays. Today’s preaching focuses more on Paul, who wrote a commentary on the gospel of Jesus and was meant to explain some portions which were not clear – like the doctrine of justification etc. Paul did not change the gospel, and it would be a mistake to preach only from Paul and not the gospels.
It is a good exercise to try and write out the essence of the gospel from Mathew, Mark, Luke and John without referring to Paul. The first thing which strikes is that Jesus preached an invitation into the kingdom (Matthew 4:17) rather than just an invitation into heaven (John 3:16)! One went with the other and you could not ignore one and preach the other.
It is the community of the people of God which is the good news which was preached, and the people were invited to come and be a part of this community. We see this community being practised in Acts 4:32-37, where they shared their resources and all the needs of the people were met.
This community needs to be a reality for the gospel to be preached, since the gospel invites people to this community. Hence Jesus says in John 13:35,
By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.”
Our witness is the love and fellowship within the community of the kingdom, the physical manifestation of which is the church. If this love is not manifested, the witness dies. If there is one family going hungry to bed in your church, the gospel does not exist.
What is the picture the church presents at this time in India? Communities like the Sikhs and Parsis seem to have more integration than the church. They look after their own, but we have failed to look after our own.
I remember a dacoit who had become a watchman after conversion, living close to my house in Kolkata. He would not go to church since he felt that he was not treated with dignity in the church. He was seen a ‘poor’. The Railway officers in the Railway colony would not go to the Railway church, since they would have to rub shoulders with the staff. They preferred to go to the bigger and richer churches away from their home. The concept of the kingdom seems to be dead in the Indian context.
Central to the concept of the kingdom is love and generosity. Without this we cannot have the kingdom. Generosity is not just sharing of financial resources and wealth, but looking at people with acceptance and being generous in our evaluation and estimation of people. The giving of dignity and value is more important in many cases than the giving of money.
Since the gospel is an invitation to the kingdom, and the church is the physical manifestation of the kingdom, there is no gospel without the church.
Jesus began His message calling for repentance in Matthew 4:17,
From that time Jesus began to preach, and to say, Repent: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.
What does ‘repent’ mean? The Greek word is a combination from ‘meta’ and ‘noia’ the former meaning change and the latter mind. So it is a change of my mind, or a turning of my mind. But what is the change or turn sought? Most people see is as repentance from ‘sin’. But if we look In the New Testament this is not made clear anywhere.
In Matthew 6:24 Jesus says,
No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.”
Here the repentance is from mammon or wealth. What does it mean to serve wealth or to worship wealth? I take it as meaning to have a dependence on wealth, and to see it as the provider for your needs. So Jesus is saying that you either see God as your provider or you see mammon as your provider. You cannot hold to both beliefs.
You see the importance of this in Jesus’ dealing with two person, the woman caught in adultery in John 8:1-11 and the rich young ruler in Matthew 19:16-22. In the former Jesus does not seem to take her sin as a major problem, and tells her, not to worry, but do not repeat the act. But to the rich young ruler He is far more severe and says that he needs to sell his possessions, give it to the poor and then follow Jesus. In today’s church, the rich young ruler would be feted and the woman send empty away. But in Jesus’ kingdom, she was filled and the rich was sent empty away.
Essentially Jesus was saying that one cannot enter the kingdom, with a love and trust in money for our day to day lives. So the repentance called for is repentance from trust in money and in material things.
Trust in money and material things is essentially idolatry, and therefore Paul writes in Colossians 3:5, covetousness, which is idolatry.”
One of the concerns I have is that we are not a religion of works but of faith. Yet we ask people to repent from their sins and then come to Jesus, which is essentially a work. Jesus calls us to a repentance in our faith, and not in our works. The repentance from sin comes after the repentance in our faith.

In I Timothy 6:10 it says,
For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.
In James 1:13-15 it says,
“Let no man say when he is tempted, I am tempted of God: for God cannot be tempted with evil, neither tempts he any man: But every man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own lust, and enticed. Then when lust hath conceived, it brings forth sin: and sin, when it is finished, brings forth death.”
These passages say that sin comes essentially from our desire for the material. And why do we desire the material? Because we think that it can provide for our needs and our security. But when we repent from a trust in the material, its hold on us is broken and we can be free from sin. That means we can only repent from our sin when we have repented from our trust in the material for our needs.
We as people seem to have an addiction for money and we need to get over that addiction. Then only can we be truly generous as a part of our lifestyle. The warnings in the Bible are clear enough for those who want to hear them. Let me set before you some verses.
I John 2:15-17
“ Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world. And the world passes away, and the lust thereof: but he that doeth the will of God abides for ever.”
James 4:4
Ye adulterers and adulteresses, know ye not that the friendship of the world is enmity with God? whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God.”
I Tim 6:9
But they that will be rich fall into temptation and a snare, and into many foolish and hurtful lusts, which drown men in destruction and perdition.”
In Acts 10:4 it is written,
And when he looked on him, he was afraid, and said, What is it, Lord? And he said unto him, Thy prayers and thine alms are come up for a memorial before God.”
The generosity of his heart had come before God and added weight to his prayers. God is looking for generous hearts, and rejoices when He finds one.
If we look at the judgement scene in Matthew 15:31-46 the basis of judgement is generosity. Those who were generous had salvation, while those who were not did not have salvation. Does this mean a gospel of works? No! It means that if you have turned from trust in the world to trust in Jesus, you will naturally be generous. If you are not generous, the first repentance has not taken place and salvation is not there.
Matthew 6:22-23 reads as follows,
The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light. But if thine eye be evil, thy whole body shall be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness!”
What does it mean to have an eye that is evil? The same expression is used in Matthew 20:15 where the master asks the labourers who objected to the same payment being given to those who worked for lesser hours,
“Is it not lawful for me to do what I will with mine own? Is thine eye evil, because I am good?
Here the phrase possible means ‘jealous’, but I prefer to see the meaning as looking with a lack of generosity. Rather than rejoicing at the good fortune of the other, one is jealous and angry at his good fortune. So if we do not look at the world with generous eyes, Jesus says that our lives will be full of darkness.
Hence generosity is an essential aspect of our Christian life.
In Matthew 10:39, Jesus says,
He that finds his life shall lose it: and he that loses his life for my sake shall find it.”
What does it mean to find one’s life and lose one’s life? I would say that if one fulfils all his dreams and ambitions in this world he goes straight to hell. He who gives up his dreams and ambitions in this world finds life.
Is it wrong to have dreams and ambitions? No. But before we met Christ all our dreams and ambitions were of this world. When we met Christ it all changed. We no longer trusted in the material and our dreams and ambitions were replaced by dreams and ambitions of the kingdom. If our dreams and ambitions after accepting Jesus as our Saviour has not changed, there seems to be a problem. This problem could affect your generosity.
There will be bad experiences. People whom you were generous with will let you down. One family we helped financially with an agreement that they would return the money in instalments monthly. They gave a few instalments and then stopped. In a period of time they became wealthy with a standard of living well above ours but did not return the money. When asked they gave various reasons why they were not able to return the money immediately. We are sill good friends exchanging birthday greetings and keeping in touch over events in each others family, but the money is never mentioned or returned.
Such bad experiences tend to make you ungenerous, and are from the devil to turn you away from the nature God wants you to have. Whatever others may do, we need to be generous. May God bless you as you walk this path of generosity.
To conclude, here are my three points:-
¢  Jesus proclaimed the gospel as the answer to the needs of the poor
¢  The kingdom of God was meant to be a solution to the needs of the people
¢  We are called to turn away from trust in the world to trust in God so that we can be a solution to the needs of others

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Who has the power of death - the devil or God?

Hebrews 2:14 “Forasmuch then as the children are partakers of flesh and blood, he also himself likewise took part of the same; that through death he might destroy him that had the power of death, that is, the devil;”

This verse appears to say that the devil has the power of death over us. How do we understand this?

The Bible uniformly says that God is the one who controls death and not the devil. Rev 1:18, 2:23, 6:8, Heb 5:7. This is further complicated by the term second death. If physical death is not the end since there is a resurrection of all people from the dead (Rev. 20:13), then we need to understand the death as being second death. 

I Cor 15:56 says that the sting of death is sin. That means if sin was not there, death would be harmless. But since the adverse effect of sin has been dealt with by Jesus on the cross, the sting of death has vanished and so death has no power on us any longer. We no longer face the second death (Rev. 20:6).

Most commentators therefore interpret Hebrews 2:14  as 'he who has power to destroy us through sin'. This sin results in our death, if we have not accepted Jesus as our Saviour. So though the second death comes from the judgement of God, the devil ha some influence here by tempting us to sin. This is referred to as the devil having the power of death.

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Who is Satan?

Reading the commentary on Job of Rabbi Sa’adia ben Joseph who lived in the 10th century AD, I got an interesting perspective.

Most people are unaware that the Hebrew word ‘satan’ means adversary and is so translated in I Samuel 29:4 (refers to David), I Kings 5:4 (refers to enemy), I Kings 11:14 (refers to Hadad the Edomite), I Kings 11:23 (refers to Rezon an enemy of Solomon), I Kings 11:25 (refers to Hadadezer king of Syria).
Because for us the term always refers to the devil, we have a very negative understanding of the word. However in Numbers 22 the term ‘satan’ is used for the angel of the Lord who confronted Balaam when he was going to meet Barak! The angel’s action of obstructing Balaam is also called ‘satan’.
The term is translated as Satan (the devil) in Job and I Chron 21:1, Psalm 109:6 and Zechariah 3:2.

This is the total occurrence of the word in the Old Testament.

So why is it translated as Satan in Job instead of adversary? Because of the tragedies which fell on Job seem to have a supernatural hand. The Rabbi agrees that it is supernatural, but ascribes it to God and not to the devil. He says that the devil cannot harm a man of God and these tragedies were inflicted by God to show Job’s faith!

So the adversary to the Rabbi was a member of the house of faith, a human, who was jealous of Job. This is a much better interpretation for Zechariah 3:2 where the adversary is better understood as opposition within Jerusalem from leaders who were jealous of Zerubabbel. So also in Psalm 109:6.

If this be so, every occurrence of the word ‘satan’ can be taken to mean adversary and not the devil, who is powerless over us. However this interpretation does not fit Job well.

Job 1:6-12 the ‘sons of God’ had gathered before God. This is taken as the Sabbath worship of the Jews. One of the worshippers is an adversary to Job. He is probably a travelling merchant and so says that he has come from travelling over earth. God shows him Job and he says that Job is righteous because of God’s protection.

But what then does vs 12 mean? Does it mean that God had given the adversary means to harm Job? But the kind of harm does not appear to be inflicted by the adversary but rather God with this interpretation.

Job 2:1-10. A similar conversation takes place here, but verse 7 specifically says that the attack on Job’s health was brought about the adversary and not God.

So while I would prefer to translate ‘satan’ as the devil in Job, but  in Zechariah 3 and Psalm 109 and all other occurrences I would prefer to go with a human adversary.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Bible Reading Chart OT 1 NT 2 in a year

1 Prov 1  Gen 1-2 Matt 1 Ps 23 Ex 13-14 Heb 7-8
2 Prov 2 Gen 3-4 Matt 2 Ps 24 Ex 15 Heb 9-10
3 Prov 3 Gen 5-7 Matt 3 Ps 25 Ex 16 Heb 11-13
4 Prov 4 Gen 8-9 Matt 4 Ps 26 Ex. 17-18 Jas 1-2
5 Prov 5 Gen 10 Matt 5 Ps 27 Ex 19-20 Jas 3-5
6 Prov 6 Gen 11-12 Matt 6 Ps 28 Ex 21-22 M k 1
7 Prov 7 Gen 13-15 Matt 7 Ps 29 Ex 23-24 Mk 2
8 Prov 8 Gen 16-17 Matt 8 Ps 30 Ex 25-26 Mk 3
9 Prov 9 Gen 18-19 Matt 9 Ps 31 Ex 27-28 Mk 4
10 Ps 1 Gen 20-21 Matt 10 Ps 32 Ex 28-29 Mk 5
11 Ps 2 Gen 22-23 Matt 11 Ps 33 Ex 30-31 Mk 6
12 Ps 3 Gen 24 Matt 12 Ps 34 Ex 32-33 Mk 7
13 Ps 4 Gen 25-26 Matt 13 Ps 35 Ex 34-35 Mk 8
14 Ps 5 Gen 27 Matt 14 Ps 36 Ex 36-37 Mk 9
15 Ps 6 Gen 28-29 Matt 15 Ps 37 Ex 38 Mk 10
16 Ps 7 Gen 30 Matt 16 Ps 38 Ex 39-40 Mk 11
17 Ps 8 Gen 31-33 Matt 17 Ps 39 Lev 1-2 Mk 12
18 Ps 9 Gen 34-35 Matt 18 Ps 40 Lev 3-4 Mk 13
19 Ps 10 Gen 36-37 Matt 19 Ps 41 Lev 5-6 Mk 14
20 Ps 11 Gen 38-40 Matt 20 Ps 42 Lev 7 Mk 15
21 Ps 12 Gen 41 Matt 21 Ps 43 Lev 8-10 Mk 16
22 Ps 13 Gen 42-43 Matt 22 Ps 44 Lev 11 I Pet 1-2
23 Ps 14 Gen 44-45 Matt 23 Ps 45 Lev 12-13 I Pet 3
24 Ps 15 Gen 46-47 Matt 24 Ps 46 Lev 14 I Pet 4-5
25 Ps 16 Gen 48-50 Matt 25 Ps 47 Lev15- 17 II Pet 1
26 Ps 17 Ex 1-2 Matt 26 Ps 48 Lev 18-19 II Pet 2-3
27 Ps 18 Ex 3 Matt 27 Ps 49 Lev 20 Lk 1
28 Ps 19 Ex 4-6 Matt 28 Ps 50 Lev 21-22 Lk 2
29 Ps 20 Ex7-8 Heb 1-2
30 Ps 21 Ex 9-11 Heb 3-4
31 Ps 22 Ex 12 Heb 5-6
1 Ps 51 Lev 23-24 Lk 3 Ezek 10 Dt 5-6 Acts 10
2 Ps 52 Lev 25 Lk 4 Ezek 11 Dt 7-9 Acts 11
3 Ps 53 Lev 26 Lk 5 Ezek 12 Dt 10-11 Acts 12
4 Ps 54 Lev 27 Lk 6 Ezek 13 Dt 12 Acts 13
5 Ps 55 Num 1 Lk 7 Ezek 14 Dt 13-14 Acts 14
6 Ps 56 Num 2 Lk 8 Ezek 15 Dt 15-17 Acts 15
7 Ps 57 Num 3 Lk 9 Ezek 16 Dt 18 Acts 16
8 Ps 58 Num 4-5 Lk 10 Ezek 17 Dt 19-21 Acts 17
9 Ps 59 Num 6 Lk 11 Ezek 18 Dt 22-23 Acts 18
10 Ps 60 Num 7 Lk 12 Ezek 19 Dt 24-26 Acts 19
11 Ps 61 Num 8-9 Lk 13 Ezek 20 Dt 27 Acts 20
12 Ps 62 Num 10-11 Lk 14 Ezek 21 Dt 28 Acts 21
13 Ps 63 Num 12-14 Lk 15 Ezek 22 Dt 29-30 Acts 22
14 Ps 64 Num 15-16 Lk 16 Ezek 23 Dt 31 Acts 23
15 Ps 65 Num 17-18 Lk 17 Ezek 24 Dt 32 Acts 24
16 Ps 66 Num 19-20 Lk 18 Ezek 25 Dt 33-34 Acts 25
17 Ps 67 Num 21 Lk 19 Ezek 26 Josh 1-2 Acts 26
18 Ps 68 Num 22 Lk 20 Ezek 27 Josh 3 Acts 27
19 Ps 69 Num 23 Lk 21 Ezek 28 Josh 4-5 Acts 28
20 Ps 70 Num24-25 Lk 22 Ezek 29 Josh 6 Romans 1-2
21 Ps 71 Num 26 Lk 23 Ezek 30 Josh 7 Romans 3-5
22 Ps 72 Num 27 Lk 24 Ezek 31 Josh 8-9 Romans 6-7
23 Ezek 1 Num 28- 29 Acts 1 Ezek 32 Josh 10 Romans 8
24 Ezek 2 Num 30-31 Acts 2 Ezek 33 Josh 11-12 Romans 9-10
25 Ezek 3 Num 32 Acts 3 Ezek 34 Josh 13-14 Romans 11-12
26 Ezek 4 Num 33 Acts 4 Ezek 35 Josh 15-16 Romans 13-14
27 Ezek 5 Num 34-35 Acts 5 Ezek 36 Josh 17 Romans 15-16
28 Ezek 6 Num 36 Acts 6 Ezek 37 Josh 18 I Cor 1-2
29 Ezek 7 Dt 1 Acts 7 Ezek 38 Josh 19 I Cor 3-4
30 Ezek 8 Dt 2-3 Acts 8 Ezek 39 Josh 20-21 I Cor 5-6
31 Ezek 9 Dt 4 Acts 9
1 Ezek 40 Josh 22 I Cor 7-8 Ps 95 I Sam 20 John 4
2 Ezek 41 Josh 23-24 I Cor 9-10 Ps 96 I Sam 21-22 John 5
3 Ezek 42 Jdgs 1 I Cor 11-12 Ps 97 I Sam 23 John 6
4 Ezek 43 Jdgs 2 I Cor 13-14 Ps 98 I Sam 24-25 John 7
5 Ezek 44 Jdgs 3 I Cor 15-16 Ps 99 I sam 26-27 John 8
6 Ezek 45 Jdgs 4 II Cor 1-2 Ps 100 I Sam 28-29 John 9
7 Ezek 46 Jdgs 5-6 II Cor 3 Ps 101 I Sam 30-31 John 10
8 Ezek 47 Jdgs 7 II Cor 4-6 Ps 102 II Sam 1 John 11
9 Ezek 48 Jdgs 8 II Cor 7-8 Ps 103 II Sam 2 John 12
10 Ps 73 Jdgs 9 II Cor 9-10 Ps 104 II Sam 3-5 John 13
11 Ps 74 Jdgs 10 II Cor 11-13 Ps 105 II Sam 6 John 14
12 Ps 75 Jdgs 11-12 Gal 1-3 Ps 106 II Sam 7-9 John 15
13 Ps 76 Jdgs 13-14 Gal 4-6 Ps 107 II Sam 10-11 John 16
14 Ps 77 Jdgs 15-16 Eph 1-3 Ps 108 II Sam 12-13 John 17
15 Ps 78 Jdgs 17 Eph 4 Ps 109 II Sam 14 John 18
16 Ps 79 Jdgs 18 Eph 5-6 Ps 110 II Sam 15-16 John 19
17 Ps 80 Jdgs 19 Ph 1-2 Ps 111 II Sam 17-18 John 20
18 Ps 81 Jdgs 20-21 Ph 3-4 Ps 112 II Sam 19-20 John 21
19 Ps 82 Rtuh 1-2 Col 1-2 Ps 113 II Sam 21-22 I John 1-2
20 Ps 83 Rtuh 3-4 Col 3-4 Ps 114 II Sam 23 I John 3-5
21 Ps 84 I Sam 1-2 I Thess 1-2 Ps 115 II Sam 24 II Jn, III Jn, Jude
22 Ps 85 I Sam  3 I Thess 3-5 Ps 116 I Kgs 1 Rev 1-2
23 Ps 86 I Sam 4-5 II Thess Ps 117 I Kgs 2 Rev 3-4
24 Ps 87 I Sam 6-7 I Tim 1-3 Ps 118 I Kgs 3 Rev 5-6
25 Ps 88 I Sam 8-9 I Tim 4-6 Ps 119:1-56 I Kgs 4-5 Rev 7-8
26 Ps 89 I Sam 10-11 II Tim 1-2 Ps 119:57-120  I Kgs 6 Rev 9-10
27 Ps 90 I Sam 12-13 II Tim 3-4 Ps 119:121-176 I Kgs 7 Rev 11-12
28 Ps 91 I Sam 14 Tit 1-3 Ps 120 I Kgs 8 Rev 13-14
29 Ps 92 I Sam 15-16 John 1 Ps 121 I Kgs 9-10 Rev 15-16
30 Ps 93 I Sam 17 John 2 Ps 122 I Kgs 11 Rev 17-19
31 Ps 94 I Sam 18-19 John 3
1 Ps 123 I Kgs 12 Rev 20-21 Hos 4 I Chr 17 Heb 5-6
2 Ps 124 I Kgs 13-14 Matt 1 Hos 5 I Chr 18-19 Heb 7-8
3 Ps 125 I Kgs 15-16 Matt 2 Hos 6 I Chr 20-21 Heb 9-10
4 Ps 126 I Kgs 17-18 Matt 3 Hos 7 I Chr 22 Heb 11-13
5 Ps 127 I Kgs 19-20 Matt 4 Hos 8 I Chr 23-24 Jas 1-2
6 Ps 128 I Kgs 21-22 Matt 5 Hos 9 I Chr 25-26 Jas 3-5
7 Ps 129 II Kgs 1-2 Matt 6 Hos 10 I Chr 27 M k 1
8 Ps 130 II Kgs 3 Matt 7 Hos 11 I Chr 28-29 Mk 2
9 Ps 131 II Kgs 4 Matt 8 Hos 12 II Ch 1-2 Mk 3
10 Ps 132 II Kgs 5 Matt 9 Hos 13 II Ch 3-4 Mk 4
11 Ps 133 II Kgs 6 Matt 10 Hos 14 II Chr 5-6 Mk 5
12 Ps 134 II Kgs 7-8 Matt 11 Joel 1 II Chr 7 Mk 6
13 Ps 135 II Kgs 9 Matt 12 Joel 2 II Chr 8 Mk 7
14 Ps 136 II Kgs 10 Matt 13 Joel 3 II Chr 9-10 Mk 8
15 Ps 137 II Kgs 11-12 Matt 14 Amos 1 II Chr 11-13 Mk 9
16 Ps 138 II Kgs 13-14 Matt 15 Amos 2 II Chr 14-15 Mk 10
17 Ps 139 II Kgs 15-16 Matt 16 Amos 3 II Chr 16-17 Mk 11
18 Ps 140 II Kgs 17 Matt 17 Amos 4 II Chr 18-19 Mk 12
19 Ps 141 II Kgs 18 Matt 18 Amos 5 II Chr 20-21 Mk 13
20 Ps 142 II Kgs 19-20 Matt 19 Amos 6 II Chr 22-23 Mk 14
21 Ps 143 II Kgs 21-22 Matt 20 Amos 7 II Chr 24 Mk 15
22 Ps 144 II Kgs 23 Matt 21 Amos 8 II Chr 25-27 Mk 16
23 Ps 145 II Kgs 24-25 Matt 22 Amos 9 II Chr 28 I Pet 1-2
24 Ps 146 I Chr 1 Matt 23 Obadiah II Chr 29 I Pet 3
25 Ps 147 I Chr 2-3 Matt 24 Jonah 1 II Chr 30-31 I Pet 4-5
26 Ps 148 I Chr 4-5 Matt 25 Jonah 2 II Chr 32 II Pet 1-2
27 Ps 149 I Chr 6 Matt 26 Jonah 3 II Chr 33-34 II Pet 3
28 Ps 150 I Chr 7-8 Matt 27 Jonah 4 II Chr 35 Lk 1
29 Hos 1 I Chr 9-11 Matt 28 Prov 10 II Chr 36 Lk 2
30 Hos 2 I Chr 12-13 Heb 1-2 Prov 11 Ezra 1-2 Lk 3
31 Hos 3 I Chr 14-16 Heb 3-4 Prov 12 Ezra 3-4 Lk 4
1 Prov 13 Ezra 5-6 Lk 5 Job 7 Is 17-18 Acts 11
2 Prov 14 Ezra 7 Lk 6 Job 8 Is 19-21 Acts 12
3 Prov 15 Ezra 8 Lk 7 Job 9 Is 22 Acts 13
4 Prov 16 Ezra 9 Lk 8 Job 10 Is 23-24 Acts 14
5 Prov 17 Ezra 10 Lk 9 Job 11 Is 25-26 Acts 15
6 Prov 18 Neh 1-2 Lk 10 Job 12 Is27-28 Acts 16
7 Prov 19 Neh 3 Lk 11 Job 13 Is 29 Acts 17
8 Prov 20 Neh 4 Lk 12 Job 14 Is 30 Acts 18
9 Prov 21 Neh 5- 6 Lk 13 Job 15 Is 31-32 Acts 19
10 Prov 22 Neh 7 Lk 14 Job 16 Is 33-34 Acts 20
11 Prov 23 Neh 8 Lk 15 Job 17 Is 35-36 Acts 21
12 Prov 24 Neh 9 Lk 16 Job 18 Is 37-38 Acts 22
13 Prov 25 Neh 10-11 Lk 17 Job 19 Is 39-40 Acts 23
14 Prov 26 Neh 12 Lk 18 Job 20 Is 41-42 Acts 24
16 Prov 28 Esth 1-2 Lk 20 Job 22 Is 43-44 Acts 26
17 Prov 29 Esth 3-4 Lk 21 Job 23 Is 45-46 Acts 27
18 Prov 30 Esth 5-6 Lk 22 Job 24 Is 47-48 Acts 28
19 Prov 31 Esth 7-8 Lk 23 Job 25 Is 49 Rom 1-2
20 Lam 1 Esth 9-10 Lk 24 Job 26 Is 50-51 Rom 3
21 Lam 2 Is 1 Acts 1 Job 27 Is 52 Rom 4-6
22 Lam 3 Is 2 Acts 2 Job 28 Is 53 Rom 7-8
23 Lam 4 Is 3-4 Acts 3 Job 29 Is 54 Rom 9-10
24 Lam 5 Is 5-6 Acts 4 Job 30 Is 55 Rom 11-12
25 Job 1 Is7 Acts 5 Job 31 Is 56 Rom 13-14
26 Job 2 Is 8-10 Acts 6 Job 32 Is 57 Rom 15-16
27 Job 3 Is 11 Acts 7 Job 33 Is 58 I Cor 1-2
28 Job 4 Is 12-13 Acts 8 Job 34 Is 59 I Cor 3-4
29 Job 5 Is14 Acts 9 Job 35 Is 60 I Cor 5-6
30 Job 6 Is 15-16 Acts 10 Job 36 Is 61 I Cor 7-8
31 Job 37 Is 62 I Cor 9-10
1 Job 38 Is 63 I Cor 11 Mic 6 Jer 32 John 5
2 Job 39 Is 64 I Cor 12-14 MiC 7 Jer 33 John 6
3 Job 40 Is 65 I Cor 15-16 Nah 1 Jer 34 John 7
4 Job 41 Is 66 II Cor 1-2 Nah 2 Jer 35 John 8
5 Job 42 Jer 1 II Cor 3-5 Nah 3 Jer 36 John 9
6 Eccl 1 Jer 2 II Cor 6-7 Hab 1 Jer 37 John 10
7 Eccl 2 Jer 3 II Cor 8-9 Hab 2 Jer 38 John 11
8 Eccl 3 Jer 4 II Cor 10-11 Hab 3 Jer 39 John 12
9 Eccl 4 Jer 5 II Cor 12-13 Zeph 1 Jer 40 John 13
10 Eccl 5 Jer 6 Gal 1-3 Zeph 2 Jer 41 John 14
11 Eccl 6 Jer 7 Gal 4-6 Zeph 3 Jer 42 John 15-16
12 Eccl 7 Jer 8 Eph 1-2 Hagg 1 Jer 43 John 17-18
13 Eccl 8 Jer 9 Eph 3-4 Hagg 2 Jer 44 John 19
14 Eccl 9 Jer 10 Eph 5-6 Zech 1 Jer 45 John 20-21
15 Eccl 10 Jer 11 Ph 1-2 Zech 2 Jer 46 I John 1-2
16 Eccl 11 Jer 12-13 Ph 3-4 Zech 3 Jer 47 I John 3-5
17 Eccl 12 Jer 14 Col 1-2 Zech 4 Jer 48 II Jn, III Jn
18 SoS 1 Jer 15-16 Col 3-4 Zech 5 Jer 49 Jude
19 SoS 2 Jer 17 I Thes 1-2 Zech 6 Jer 50 Rev 1
20 SoS 3 Jer 18 I Thes 3-5 Zech 7 Dan 1 Rev 2
21 SoS 4 Jer 19-20 II Thes 1-3 Zech 8 Dan 2 Rev 3
22 SoS 5 Jer 21 I Tim 1-4 Zech 9 Dan 3 Rev 4
23 SoS 6 Jer 22 I Tim 5-6 Zech 10 Dan 4 Rev 5-6
24 SoS 7 Jer 23 II Tim 1-2 Zech 11 Dan 5 Rev 7-8
25 SoS 8 Jer 24-25 II Tim 3-4 Zech 12 Dan 6 Rev 9-11
26 Mic 1 Jer 26 Tit 1-3 Zech 13 Dan 7 Rev 12-13
27 Mic 2 Jer 27 John 1 Zech 14 Dan 8 Rev 14
28 Mic 3 Jer 28-29 John 2 Mal 1 Dan 9 Rev 15-16
29 Mic\ 4 Jer 30 John 3 Mal 2 Dan 10 Rev 17-18
30 Mic 5 Jer 31 John 4 Mal 3 Dan 11 Rev 19
31 Mal 4 Dan 12 Rev 20- 21