In Exodus elaborate details are given for the construction of the Tabernacle and this was where God was to meet with the Israelites on the mercy seat in the Holy of Holies. The Tabernalce signified that God was not localised to one place but was mobile and could be anywhere. This was a concept foreign to the Palestinians and when Saul took the Tabernacle to war the Philistines were perturbed by the same.
It made the Jews aware that Yahweh was God of the world and not just of the Jews.
But when David envisaged the Temple and encouraged Solomon to build it, Yahweh became the od of Jerusalem and not of the world. The very concept of God changed with the Temple. Considering that God did not ask for the Temple anywhere, but accepted it when it was made, it raises the question was the very premise of a Temple faulty?
It made the Jews aware that Yahweh was God of the world and not just of the Jews.
But when David envisaged the Temple and encouraged Solomon to build it, Yahweh became the od of Jerusalem and not of the world. The very concept of God changed with the Temple. Considering that God did not ask for the Temple anywhere, but accepted it when it was made, it raises the question was the very premise of a Temple faulty?