A question was raised as to who could give the anointing of the Holy Spirit to someone else. And further if a person who could give the anointing to someone else, did it not show that he had the anointing himself?
Each person in the kingdom of God has his own call from God which is essentially to follow Christ and to serve the church in the place where he is. To fulfil these responsibilities the Holy Spirit gives different gifts to different people, and the sign of the anointing of the Spirit is the ministry done by the person on whom the anointing has come.
In the Old Testament the sign of the anointing of the Holy Spirit was seen in the manifestation of 'prophecy' - Genesis 41:38, Numbers 11:25-26, 24:2, I Samuel 10:10, Isaiah 61:1-2, Joel 2:28-29 etc. Another manifestation of the Spirit was in the ability to fight wars against the enemies of Israel. A third was skill to build the Tabernacle in Exodus 31:1-3.
In the New Testament in Revelations it says that the testimony of Jesus is the Spirit of prophecy Rev. 19:10.
So the sign of the Spirit is the ministry one does, the prophecies which comes to him and not the manifestations of ecstasy, though this was occasionally present in the case of Elisha, Saul and others. John writes in I John 4:1-3 says that the only way you can make out if a person has the right Spirit or not is the doctrine he teaches, not the signs or wonders he does.
In Jesus' own teaching in Matthew 7:21-23 He says that even prophecy and signs and wonders are no guarantee that a person is in the kingdom of God and many who do signs and wonders will be rejected by Christ.
Then how does one know if the Spirit of God is present or not? If we see the judgement scene painted by Jesus Christ in Matthew 25:31-46 people are judged by the love in their hearts rather than the "gifts" they have. This is the same as what Paul says in Galatians that the fruit of the Spirit is the sign of the presence of God.
This fruit can be imitated. I do not deny that. But when one is not aware that he is being observed the true Spirit is revealed. These are the only indications that the word of God gives as to the presence of the Spirit:-
1. Prophecy
2. Ministry
3. Love and the fruit of the Spirit
Ideally all should be these should be there.
Each person in the kingdom of God has his own call from God which is essentially to follow Christ and to serve the church in the place where he is. To fulfil these responsibilities the Holy Spirit gives different gifts to different people, and the sign of the anointing of the Spirit is the ministry done by the person on whom the anointing has come.
In the Old Testament the sign of the anointing of the Holy Spirit was seen in the manifestation of 'prophecy' - Genesis 41:38, Numbers 11:25-26, 24:2, I Samuel 10:10, Isaiah 61:1-2, Joel 2:28-29 etc. Another manifestation of the Spirit was in the ability to fight wars against the enemies of Israel. A third was skill to build the Tabernacle in Exodus 31:1-3.
In the New Testament in Revelations it says that the testimony of Jesus is the Spirit of prophecy Rev. 19:10.
So the sign of the Spirit is the ministry one does, the prophecies which comes to him and not the manifestations of ecstasy, though this was occasionally present in the case of Elisha, Saul and others. John writes in I John 4:1-3 says that the only way you can make out if a person has the right Spirit or not is the doctrine he teaches, not the signs or wonders he does.
In Jesus' own teaching in Matthew 7:21-23 He says that even prophecy and signs and wonders are no guarantee that a person is in the kingdom of God and many who do signs and wonders will be rejected by Christ.
Then how does one know if the Spirit of God is present or not? If we see the judgement scene painted by Jesus Christ in Matthew 25:31-46 people are judged by the love in their hearts rather than the "gifts" they have. This is the same as what Paul says in Galatians that the fruit of the Spirit is the sign of the presence of God.
This fruit can be imitated. I do not deny that. But when one is not aware that he is being observed the true Spirit is revealed. These are the only indications that the word of God gives as to the presence of the Spirit:-
1. Prophecy
2. Ministry
3. Love and the fruit of the Spirit
Ideally all should be these should be there.